
Wayne Valley has many databases that can help you with your research! Click on the "DATABASE ACCESS" link below. Make sure that you use the usernames and passwords provided so that you can download the full text articles!

Note: You will only be able to access the link below if you are logged in with your Wayne Schools account!

Database Access

The Wayne Valley Media Center has access to...

1. Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) (All subject areas)

2. Enslow Literature (English)

3. Infobase (History, English, Health, and Science)

4. Classroom Video on Demand (Videos for all subject areas)

5. Facts on File Online Database (History, English, Science, Health)

6. Biography in Context (Biographies in all subject areas)

7. Literature Resource Center (English)

8. JSTOR (All subject areas)

9. Novels, Drama, Poetry and Short Stories for Students (English)

10. Salem Online Collection: Critical Insights and Authors, History (Current topics and Opinions), Health and Careers (History, Health, Careers)

11. Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Social Issues)

12. Issues and Controversies (Social Issues and American History)

13. ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases and History Reference Online (History)

14. Gale U.S. and World History in Context (History)

15. World Folklore and Folklife (English, History, Music)

16. Defining Moments in U.S. History Online (History)

17. Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History (History)

18. Today’s Science on File (Science)

19. EBSCOhost Research Database (All Subjects)

20. Gale Elite 500 Titles (All Subjects)

21. World Book Online (All Subjects)