Italian Club

Italian Club Objectives

  • To promote among its members a deeper understanding of the culture, history, and society of Italy 

  • To foster an awareness of Italian culture and history throughout the Wayne Community

  • To promote the spirit of internationalization at Wayne Hills


Contact Information

Attend our events by joining our classroom!

Google classroom code: ssqsrmw

Email Signorina Pierri for more information


Italian Honor Society

Please note: The NIHS is separate from the Italian Club (though some members do overlap!)

View the National Italian Honor Society Constitution here

Past Events

  • Virtual viewing party of Bobby and Giada in Italy

  • Italian Honor Society Bake Sale

  • Hudson Table Cooking school

  • Red Bulls Game

  • Scopa card game tournament

  • Holiday card party

  • La Befana visit

  • Caffè & biscotti with guest author

  • Carnevale festival

  • CPK pizza night fundraiser

  • T-shirt design contest

  • Movie night

  • Pasta in the Park

  • Bocce ball tournament

  • Ellis Island or Broadway field trip

group photos