Business Services
The primary function of the Business Office is to support all instructional and operational initiatives of the District. Staff accomplishes this through the processing and payment of all purchase requests, processing of payroll and benefits for staff members and through budget development.
Other functions of the Business Office include management of insurance renewals and claims, requests for proposals for professional services or formal bids for construction projects, oversight and management of the budget including the preparation of all financial reports as well as preparing for the fiscal year audit, oversight of the School student activity funds, collecting of fees and other cash receipts, and oversight of Federal and State grants.
Business Services Documents
Purchasing Services
William Moffitt
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Email William Moffitt
Sheryl Leidig
Assistant Business Administrator
Email Sheryl Leidig
Ann Cassera
Administrative Assistant to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Email Ann Cassera
Employee Benefits:
Email Benefits Department
Kathy Brusco
Email Kathy Brusco
Alecia Seliga
Email Alecia Seliga
Accounts Payable:
Email Accounts Payable Department
Cheryl Nardino, Accounts Payable Manager
Email Cheryl Nardino
Barbara Whitmore
Email Barbara Whitmore
Rose Duarte, A/P & Community Pass
Email Rose Duarte
Community Pass Email:
Email Payments
Elizabeth (Liz) Statuto, Purchasing Agent
Email Liz Statuto
Purchasing Email: Email Purchasing
Weijiun Kao, Accountant
Email Weijiun Kao