Student Support Services

Wayne Township Public Schools' Student Support Services is committed to making a difference in the lives of every child in our District from ages 3-21.

We understand and champion the notion that learning is a lifelong process and strive to give all of our students the opportunity to thrive in their least restrictive environment with their peers.

These pages are intended to be a resource for both parents and educators. If you would like more information on any part of the services we offer or if you have a student that you suspect may have a disability, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Student Supports


School Counselors/504 Coordinators/ Crisis Intervention Team

Federal Programs

Parent Resources

Central Office Contacts

Dr. Dana Sir
Director of Student Support Services
Email Dana Sir

Mrs. Jennifer Varano
Assistant Director of Student Support Services
Email Jennifer Varano

Mr. Scot Burkholder
Director of SSS - Federal, State, and Special Programs
Email Scot Burkholder

Mrs. Jennifer Montana
Supervisor of Health & Wellness
Email Jennifer Montana

Mrs. Patricia Monaco
Assistant Principal, Elementary
Email Patricia Monaco

Ms. Nicole Gibbs
Assistant Principal, Secondary
Email Nicole Gibbs

Support Staff - Ms. Ann McKay, Ms. Felicia Hammoud, Ms. Diane Wilde